about me

Hi there... allow me to introduce myself! I'm Robin, and I'm that BFF that's always checking in on you - making sure you're okay, telling you how amazing you really are, and making stuff for you to show you how much you're loved. 

So that's how the soap thing started. I learned to make handcrafted soap to use on my own dry (and not so young anymore) skin, and also to give unique and nurturing gifts to family and friends. Everybody loved the soap and they wanted to buy more, so a business was born. And now? I couldn't imagine doing anything else.

And really, I just want to make sure that you (yes, YOU) are okay. It's been a bit rough the last couple of years, hasn't it? We're all feeling it. And I want you to know that you are doing a fabulous job of just navigating a crazy and quickly changing world. You are amazing! And I genuinely want you to take good care of yourself - it's important, and you deserve it. To help you, I keep making really nice soap, and other bath and self-care stuff, too. It's gentle on your skin, it's pretty, it smells good, and it's chock full of awesome natural ingredients that I carefully source to make sure we're taking care of our neighbors and the environment.

Sound good to you, too? Then you are definitely part of our tribe. Go find yourself some great soap, make sure you sign up for our newsletter (it's not spammy, I promise), and most of all, welcome. I'm glad you're here.