for the love of lard

Occasionally, when a customer hears that the primary fat I use in soapmaking is lard, they get kinda... squeamish. It doesn't sound like an ingredient they want in their beauty routine. But: lard is actually a fantastic ingredient, and I'm here today to try and convince you. Here are some of the facts:

Lard has a long history: it's been used in both traditional soapmaking and skin care for hundreds, if not thousands of years - many people (past and present) have discovered that pure lard is an amazing moisturizer, especially at night. I'm not kidding: good, pastured lard leaves skin feeling so soft and smooth. And a little goes a very long way.

Why is it such a great moisturizer? For starters, it's got lots of nourishing nutrients: did you know that lard is the second richest source of vitamin d, behind only cod liver oil? It's true! And we all know that vitamin d is great for skin. It also has:

  • vitamin e
  • vitamin a
  • omega-3 fatty acids
  • a pH profile of saturated/monounsaturated fatty acids which is very similar to human skin, so it enhances our skin's own ability to retain moisture
  • And finally, it's very low on the comedogenic scale, meaning it won't clog your pores.

So, maybe you're not quite ready to be putting lard on your face at bedtime - I totally get it. BUT (baby steps), how about using handcrafted soap that includes lard, along with other rich, vitamin filled natural oils? It's a great way to take care of your skin, plus it gets bonus points for smelling great, having a luxurious rich lather, and being all-around really pretty.

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