some random bits about me


okay, so if you're like me, you head right to the "about me" pages of small businesses that you find online. you want to know more about the person behind the craft, right? I know I do. who are you? why did you decide to start making jewelry or puppy onesies or soap? you seem so cool, do you need a new friend?

so, aside from what's on my "about me" page, here's my short version: my husband I started our family when we were young and idealistic, and for many years, my amazing, lovely kids were my full time job. once they were grown, I knew that I didn't want to work in the field I'd gotten my degree in, I was too young to retire, and my husband (unreasonable man) nixed the idea of me sitting around the house drinking pinot and watching daytime tv.

I was ready for a challenge and an adventure, so I decided to take my soapmaking hobby (and the really nice soap I made) and turn it into a business - and so, here I am. there has been so, so much to learn... some days it is fun and invigorating, and other days I cry and eat chocolate. but I've never wanted to throw in the towel (<-- bath pun), and I'm proud of how much I've grown and am continuing to learn. and that's really about it, in the end it's not a terribly dramatic story, lol.

thanks for reading along and learning a little more about me. I can't wait to hang out with you a bit more - you seem so cool. do you need a new friend?


- Robin

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